Welcome to Europe's largest CPD Centre for Vets!

Veterinary professionals from all over the world attend our unique courses and benefit from the multicultural exchange of ideas; judging by the number of repeat attendances, they are a great success. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an on-going learning process that ensures veterinarians enhance their knowledge base and clinical skills throughout their working lives.

EICKEMEYER® has been providing quality veterinary CPD for over 35 years and more than 17,000 veterinary surgeons have attended our courses in Tuttlingen, Germany. We pride ourselves on offering CPD taught by the world's foremost veterinary lecturers to educate, entertain and challenge our participants.

EICKEMEYER® CPD involves lectures, case discussions, and workshops, to deliver practical and relevant knowledge. Our high tech lecture facilities, surgical wet labs, and our high tutor to delegate ratios make learning convenient, practical and enjoyable.

We look forward to welcoming you to Europe's largest dedicated veterinary CPD centre. 

Click here to view all seminars hosted by EICKEMEYER® Germany

CPD Courses in UK

Various Workshops
Zlig – Intraarticular Technique for CrCL replacement.
Location: Bespoke CPD training by expert surgeons in the comfort of your own practice.
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To discuss further and book your place on this CPD please email p.stanway@eickemeyer.co.uk

Location: Eickemeyer Seminarzentrum, Frankfurt,Steinbacher Straße 42, 61476 Frankfurt / Kronberg im Taunus
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For further information see here

Location: Central CPD, London
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To book your place on this CPD please email p.stanway@eickemeyer.co.uk